Friday, December 18, 2009

Jewelry Tree

Yesterday when I went over to my parent's house, I was glad to see that the Jewelry Tree made by my Grandmother (My Mom's Mom) was hung in the dining room. She made it years ago using a board, some fabric and some of her pretty jewelry & lights.

My Mom has since replaced the lights and has them going around the perimeter of the frame as well. I love this thing! By the way, the "E" stands for my Grandmother's name - Erna.

Here's a picture of my Grandmother, Grandfather and my Uncle taken back in 1935. Oh, how I love this era - the style, the apparel, the furniture...

I took a picture of this glass framed picture, so there's a bit of glare showing, but you get the idea.

Here are some other snaps that I took at my parent's house.

My parents didn't get a Christmas Tree this year, so My Mom strung some lights on this artificial plant, and I hung some snowflakes and the angel. Today my Mom added some ornaments, but I haven't seen it yet.

I love this little Snowman/Poinsettia guy, made from felt, pipe cleaner, styrofoam and sequins. My Mom thought it was another thing my Grandma had made.

Here's the mantel. Don't those clouds below with the light shining through look real? Since this was taken, my Mom added some lights to the garland.

Swag over Dining Room Doorway

I love this little Santa with the Reindeer. It's made of a very thin plastic. Actually, it is very similar to the inside plastic holders when you buy a box of Christmas Ornaments. You know what I'm talking about? The whole thing only weighs about 2 eyelashes...

Looks like Santa is getting ready to take off in flight!

Tomorrow we have a Christmas get together with my Mom's side of the family at their house. That includes: Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, 2nd Cousins, Niece/Nephews, Brothers, Spouses, & my Husband...It's always a fun party. The gift exchange is usually a hoot...well, it's not really what I'd call an exchange.  Sometimes there's a lot of trading...we draw numbers for the order of who goes first and you can steal (take a gift that has been opened) or pick one from the pile.

Hope you all have a good weekend. I hear that there is snow on the East...Oh, how I wish it would snow here. It was supposed to last weekend, but it didn't. So, if you don't like your snow, just send it my way.



Anita Grace said...

Hey Hi-d

Thanks for sending me an email... looking forward to reading along with your blog too :)

Hope you & your family have a great Christmas gathering tomorrow!

Blessings ~ Anita

Shirley said...

I love the Christmas tree that your G'ma made - how special!
Oh - I wish I could be there for your family party - those were always the best fun! Tell them all hi for me (if you remember, only :)
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Your grandma was one talented lady. I can see where you get your crafting abilities from: your grandmother and mom. Your mom's decorating is so beautiful. I love what you all did with the tree. So pretty.
Have fun at your family get together! Those things are always so much fun.


Anonymous said...

I really love the jewelry tree your grandma made! It's beautiful. What a wonderful treasure. It's very, very festive at mom's house!! Love it.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

That is absolutely gorgeous. What an amazing heirloom!

Amy said...

That jewelry tree is so pretty! I love the photo of your grandparents too. I love looking at old photos of family.