Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Here's the color of my hydrangea this year. When we bought it 2 years ago, it was actually a lavender/blue color. Last year, along with pictures, I included a link that gives you instructions on how to change the color of these guys here.

I did try adding some coffee grounds to the soil, last year, in hopes that it would change the flowers to a more purplish/blue color. You can tell that it's starting to go that direction, but it takes at least a season or so before you see any changes. I may just add more grounds, and wait to see what happens next summer.

Regardless...I pretty much love any color of flower out there. What about you?

Happy day!


Laura Trevey said...

My favorite flower ... beautiful!!!

Shirley said...

Those are beautiful! I love hydrangeas!

Moosic Mom said...

Gorgeous! I just bought dolomite lime to make our soil more alkaline to turn our blue ones lavender. It will take a year. He said feed them now, and in Nov. and in the Spring. Your coffee grounds are acidic...for turning blue...that is......the flowers..HA!

Run26.2Mom said...
