Friday, August 10, 2012


Last week I was trying to take some photos of the two of us. Look at that face of his.

This little blog of mine has evolved over the past couple of years to become a way to document and share the happenings of Maximus. I feel incredibly blessed to have him. He brings so much joy to life. And so do you!!! I wanted to thank all of you for your support and comments.

See these earrings that I'm wearing? The other day, M about ripped my earlobe off (insert exaggeration here). How it happened was he was standing and I was trying to put his shorts on and he grabbed the most logic thing in his proximity to maintain his balance. He went for my right ear. Ouchie! Okay, it wasn't THAT bad. I mean, it DID hurt, but the thought of it, freaks me out the most. You too? Since he was born, I RARELY where earrings. But I miss them so!

What have you been up to this week? I am working on a project. We have a white dresser, that I've sanded and painted black. I've done 3 coats over 3 days and I'm noticing streaking. Ugh! Anyone else have this problem? When I called Home Depot, they suggested that I purchase a product called Floetrol to mix with my paint/primer and recommended that I strip the paint. Ummm...I don't think I REALLY have to start over? Anyone have some good tips on getting rid of streaks? I used a roller for the majority of the dresser. Maybe one more coat would do the trick? I'm noticing it mainly on the sides. the drawers look good to me.

You want to hear something funny? Maximus and I were in JoAnn Fabrics recently and I'm pretty sure he was referring to the pregnant lady, when he pointed and said, "bah?" (ball)...Oh my!

Do you enjoy wearing earrings? What's your style? Large, dangly ones or simple elegance?
Do you have any funny/embarrassing moments that you'd like to share?

Happy day!


renae said...

Well Ms. Heidi! hi! ok, do I have a plan for you. Repeat after me: Spray paint ~ yes, spray paint. Krylon at Walmart is the cheapest $4 approx per can. Buff what you have already done, (the streaks) with 220 grit sand paper. Then -- wipe it all off, the dust that is and spray in even sweeping strokes - overlapping slightly. Voila, no streaks, no starting over and you can spray as many coats as you'd need (prob 3 should do it). Make sure the Krylon is 'GLOSS' - not super gloss or flat. It will dry with a sheen that is very professional.

Mary said...

Children speak such truth...that need not always become a topic. I keep my hair down so I dont think earrings show much... But the other problem is post earrings, which I prefer...and telephones. Ouch.

renae said...

I wasn't quite done, excuse me, chhumm,

View this link of me painting my old table into my new desk. It should help some, too.

I love to see that you have commented - IT MAKES MY DAY!!! :D

and ...I love studs, french hooks, and dangles and diamonds (fake is fine) but, dangles and babies are hazardous to ones health or ear lobe safety. lol

It is late here and I am bouncing off the walls. My grandgirls are all zonked out and I have some time to plunk out some more stuff here. So I had better stop. move on and wish you a grand week end, my friend!!!!!!!

Deborah said...

Awww you too look so cute!
All I can say about the earring incident is OUCH! I cringed with pain thinking of it...hope you're okay xo
I love earrings too and bracelets. I usually prefer silver hoops~they seem to go with everything.
Yours are beautiful hun.
I am so glad that you blog and what beautiful memories you are leaving here for Maximus!
Love to you sweet friend. Come over and see me~I'm having a giveaway~

Deborah xoxoxo

Martina said...

Love his face in that photo - and the remark about the pregnant lady - ha ha, if mums could make balls in all colors ... Cheers to a super fun and lovely sunday!

Jessica Elyse @ Memoirs of a Mommy said...

Maximus is getting so big! I love it and I love how your blog has evolved. Sorry if I haven't responded lately to your lovely comments. I just realized that all my comments were going to an old, discontinued email address. Fail!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


I have missed you so much. My dear cousins spent a week with us and we had a BLAST, I MEAN, WE DANCED AND SANG AND PLAYED INSTRUMENTS AND could have stayed up all night long.....

I LOVE earrings. I will wear studs, dangles, whatever catches my eye! YOU LOOK WONDERFUL and I have had babies pull on my earrings too!

BIG HUGS TO YOU, my beautiful friend! Anita

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Heidi,

Love the sweet photo of you both, cute look on Maximus face.
Ouch, that would have been painful with your ear.
Such a lovely way to use your blog as a diary for Maximus life.

Happy week

Red Rose Alley said...

I love dangling earring, Heidi, but as I get older, I find myself not wearing them as much. I am wondering what the lady said after Maximus said that? Children are so sweet. I really like the picture of you both.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Luna said...

I miss my earrings too. The last time I had them on was Christmas when Leo bought me a new pair! I was so happy to finally have earrings again until Tauren grabbed at them non-stop.

Sorry I don't know much about refurbishing but Jenny at Little Green Notebook is great at DIY.

Last night I posted about returning to gardening. I bought a few potted plants and left them outside for a week to see which spot suited them. Then the gusty winds blew for three days and three of my potted plants wilted. Oops.

I re-potted them all and they are now thriving, so I'm relieved. I'm thinking of starting a vege garden because of my picky eaters.