Wednesday, August 1, 2012


This kid is obsessed with vacuum cleaners. The one here, I use almost on a daily basis to pick up the small messes. It's not as intimidating to Maximus compared to our regular vac.

About a week ago, he got a hold of this and did not want to let it go...

So, I figured...if he wants it THAT bad, then why not put the boy to work?

Please don't accuse me of breaking any child labor laws here...

He practically BEGGED to work...


let's face it...

Housework can get to everyone at times!

The silly machines don't always work the way you want them to...

OH...the tears!!!

And when it was time to put the vacuum away...

Well, I don't think I need to tell you.
He was STILL crying...

If you're new to my blog, I don't make it a practice of posting photos of my little guy crying. Of course he has his moments of tears, just like any other toddler, but this was over the top. He has his very serious moments.
He also has been known to react this way to brooms. I kid you not.

When Maximus is a teenager and doesn't want to clean his room...remind me to show him these pictures, okay?

I hope you're having a good week. I haven't done much blogging lately. I've been staying up a wee bit too late, enjoying the Olympics. How about you?

Happy day!


renae said...

o baby boy - don't cry.

hey girlfriend!!!

the details are in the next post tomorrow. that's the whole point of wordless wednesday, silly. no words.


all the words come from you guys; the observers, the followers, the commentators.

o sorry for the rough time. no, really tomorrows post is the explanation of the photo.

and would you believe I haven't watched one spec of the olympics? Too busy with my grandkids, family and this crazy bloglife.

Mary said...

Good idea...keep that photo. Sooo sad..whuppmpmmp, about the vacuum.

Kelly said...

He is getting so big! What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Heidi, I have pictures of my son doing the same with a broom. So many memories. This is adorable.
By the way, the room thing in the future...let's just say maybe I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. ;)

Enjoying the Olympics here too.


Marianne said...

There's nothing better than crying baby pics. Love them!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dearest, the Olympic have most definitely kept me up past my bedtime, even for summer!!!! WHAT FUN! How about that Michael Phelps???? I can only think about how much Maximus appears to love the water now....

Ohhh, the frustrations of HOUSE WORK, HUH?????? I hope you are enjoying the rest of this fleeting summer. BACK LATER! Anita

Shirley said...

Such a cutie patootie! He'll love those pics when he gets older! :)