Thursday, July 26, 2012

What a Face

Rob's Mom captured this photo of Maximus when we were at the beach. Believe it or not, I don't have many actual photographs of M. But THIS ONE, I'm going to have to get printed, because it's ONE of my ALL TIME FAVORITE photos of him.

Change your life, not just your clothes.
Come back to God, your God.
And here's why: God is kind and merciful.
He takes a deep breath, puts up with a lot,
This most patient God, extravagant in love,
always ready to cancel catastrophe.
Who knows? Maybe he'll do it now,
maybe he'll turn around and show pity.
Maybe, when all's said and done,
there'll be blessings full and robust for your God!

Happy day!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

M's First Beach Trip

Sunday we took Maximus to the beach for the day. We caravanned behind Rob's parents, their dogs and Rob's niece and husband.

There were some showers on the way down.

It didn't take too long for Maximus to go from this...

to this...

When we arrived at Seaside, we stopped for a potty break and did a little shopping and hanging out. Then, Rob suggested that we head down to the beach, since there was a break in the weather.

See that blue sky?

This is a collection of various photos from different cameras. Lots of shots were taken and it's as though cameras were flying...(inside joke)...haha...

M spots something he's NEVER seen...SAND!

It always seems to be a challenge to get a good family photo. M was READY to get his feet in the sand! He wanted DOWN!!!

On our way to have some fun!




And "GO" he did!

He was BEYOND excited...

This face says it all...

He couldn't get to the water fast enough! TOTALLY FEARLESS!

I know...I's getting pretty deep. YIKES!

Rob was enoying it too!

Face in the water, hands on the sand.

Mind you, this is the Pacific Ocean, so it's quite cold!

But M didn't seem to mind...

We figured that he had been in the water long enough by now. It was time to go...

We got back to the car and I changed his clothes and got him in his carseat. Just before we were ready to take off, it started to REALLY rain! I said a little prayer out loud, thanking the Lord for holding off the rain. It was such PERFECT timing...

After that, we drove to Cannon Beach and Rob's Dad treated us all to lunch at this seafood restaurant.

After that, we walked around and did some more shopping. By this time the sun was shining bright and it was getting pretty warm outside.

And since there aren't enough photos in this post, I thought I'd include some more shots from our time at the beach...haha...

M with Grandma LaLa

M with Grandpa

Chad & Veronica

The dogs (otherwise known as "dah dah" to Maximus)

What a fun day!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Snow in July - Link Party


Today, I am participating in a link party hosted by Marcia over at
The Shop Around the Corner.

You can view my white themed post if you click here.

Happy day!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Day in the Life

This is one of M's favorite spots to sit - by Mr. Moose, which he calls, Moo, Moo.

It sometimes works to block Maximus from getting to the fireplace. ("Sometimes" that is). Maximus has no trouble getting to it, but putting stuff in front of it helps to distract him somewhat. With the warm weather, the gas is turned off.

What a face! Today, he grabbed the remote that controls our air conditioner...(you can see part of the white remote sitting on the end table next to him). And, what does M do when he gets a hold of it? He finds the power button and turns it off! And then moments later, he turns it back on! HA!!!

Men must learn this fascination with remotes at an early age, because Maximus tries to take our TV remote all the time. So, about a month ago, Rob took out the batteries and gave M one of the remotes we don't use.

At one time, Maximus even had an old cell phone of ours, (again without the battery in it), but it's MIA! We have looked all over for it...not sure what he did with it!

He is generally a very happy boy with LOTS of energy...

He enjoys playing with his blocks and other toys...and loves to dump things out. This kid can make a mess in less than two shakes.

I love it when he comes and lies down next to me on the floor. He doesn't usually stay long, but I enjoy those moments.

Please be sure to stop back here on Thursday night. I am participating in Marcia's, "Snow in July" link party over at "The Shop Around the Corner."


Happy day!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Phones, Flowers & Birds

I know...strange title for a post huh? Well, this is kind of a random post.

First off, I wanted to tell you a funny story. Friday night after I put Maximus in his crib, I realized I didn't have my cell phone, so I went back into his room to see if I left it there. It wasn't in the usual spots that I would leave it, so I tried calling my cell, using our home phone. Isn't that the easiest way to find a lost phone? haha...

Soon after I dialed my number, I heard my phone playing its tune. The sound was coming from Maximus' room. So I went in there and what was he doing? He was SITTING up in his crib, HOLDING my cell phone, with a VERY SURPRISED and EXCITED look on his face! hahaha...It must have dropped out of my pocket when I put him in bed. So, I grabbed the phone from him and later discovered that I had a voicemail from that call. I'm not sure if Maximus answered it. Most likely the vm was from me grabbing the phone and accidentally answering it, or the call eventually going to voicemail. Needless to say, it was quite comical!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I haven't had a chance to play with my new camera too much. It's still out of habit and convenience that I use my cell phone for photos, (when I don't forget it in M's room...haha). Today, however, I took some photos of our flowers on the back patio.


Hydrangea - one of my FAVORITE flowers! My parents gave me this when they threw me a baby shower for Maximus.

 It started out blue, but is turning more lavender.

Petunias, Calibrachoa, Geranium, Hydrangea

Happy Colors...


Then, to have some fun, I grabbed a ceramic bird from the house and took a few shots of it with the flowers.

I love the contrast of the green birdie next to the purple verbena.

Tweet Tweet...

More birds sitting on our mantel

Before Maximus was born, I made him a bird mobile. This kind of started us on a bird theme kick for our house.

Love this color...

 I even picked up these guys a couple months back.

That's all for now. I hope your Monday is off to a good start!
