Thursday, July 12, 2012

Photo Shoot

I have been so frustrated with my camera. It takes such blurry photos, the color is off and I end up deleting the majority that I take. Most of the time I use the camera on my cell phone, because that's what's on hand and it seems to take better pictures. Over the past year, I've tried several different cameras, in hopes to find the right one. But they never worked out, so I just settled with what I had and held off the search. Fortunately I was able to return the other cameras that I didn't like.

Rob experienced the same frustration firsthand when he was taking some pictures a few weeks ago. He ended up ordering me a new camera and it was delivered today. I probably need to spend some time looking at the manual and studying all of the settings; but so far, it's better than my old camera. 

I had fun snapping off a bunch of pics with Maximus as my subject. With the thousands of photos that I've taken of him during his first 17 months of life, you'd think that he'd be use to the "paparazzi" in his face. But NOOOO...we're talking about electronics here!!! And he's a boy, so he's fascinated by anything that lights up, has buttons & makes noise.

All of these were taken straight out of camera (SOOC). I may have cropped one or two of them, but other than that, no editing. This is just a simple, inexpensive, point and shoot camera. That's what I wanted. Nothing fancy.

So, tell me, what do you think of the shots? I'd love your honest opinion.

Happy day!


Mimi said...

For a point and Shoot...I would say Pretty is hard to get REALLY great pics with a point and shoot...the speed is just off.....I took lots of pics of my grand daughter...and would be so bummed that the cute smile I thought I captured was now a weird looking face.....a good DSLR camera shoots 3 shots in a you are sure to get the Great one....of course I shoot alot of pics....sometimes getting great ones, in the first few shots...other times.....I take LOTS and still get the fake posed cheesy it just depends on the day and the mood!!
I-phone cameras are at least a 6 megapixel, so good quality......but just keep snapping......hold very still and try to get MR. M to keep it under 5 MPH!!!

moosic mom said...

Of course I am bias.....the subject matter is adorable and those expressions.....priceless. I don't have my glasses on right now and have the eye cream in my eyes that I use at night (after surgery) so my eyes are not up to par. There are a few pictures that are sharper to me than others.....towards the end. That little Maximus.....his eyes are so sincere and precious.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GOOD MORNING DEAREST! I know the woes of camera life! I use a Coolpix and even with the larger camera we have, my pics never come out right. But the photos you have always selected, in my opinion, were always clear and AMUSING! I guess it takes multitudes of shots to take until you can find that ONE that does it. These look just as good as your other ones!!! Anita

renae said...

Heidi! those pics were really great: focus, quality and of course cute little M as the subject. I had no idea you were having camera woes. Glad you've got a great camera now!!! Please continue to share. I miss you when I don't see a new post from you (no pressure) just enjoy your take (and takes) on blogville! (hug)

Anonymous said...

I noticed that all these photos are still a bit on the blurry side. I'm curious what setting (on your camera) these were taken on? Since your subject (aka: handsome Maximus) is so close to you in all of these shots, you may want to set your camera to Macro Mode ("flower" mode). Also, turn on all the lights in the room. The darkness is causing the slow shutter speed, therefore Speedy Gonzalez is a tad bit blurry.

One of the shots Mr. M is a tiny bit further away from you, and he's more in focus (#11). Look at his shirt in that shot. Do you see how his shirt is in focus but his face isn't? That means that your camera has automatically set the focal length for dead center of your picture frame. Find out how to change that (if you can) to make what's in focus to be more of the frame itself. Does that make sense?

Some point and shoot cameras you can do that with, and some you can't. It's a bit easier to set that on a DSLR than on a pt and shoot.

All those comments aside... the subject itself is just cute as a button, and even blurry/out of focus shots are to be treasured.

love dawn

ps - what kind of camera did you get?

Mary said...

Congratulations! New shoe, new hairdo, new car, new CAMERA! I'm all for it.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dearest Heidi, thank YOU for coming to visit me! Signing off now for today, I have STILL MORE cleaning to do! AHHHH! Hugs to you and the special little man, Anita

Palomasea said...

Oh my goodness....the most adorable little face...they all look good to me! :)))
I feel your camera frustration. I am thinking I want to start saving for something a bit more...
I see those amazing photos on other blogs, and feel frustrated. It's not that I am coveting, I just feel that I want to express more with photography, but the little cameras are limiting. And even when I set to macro, mine goes all crazy and says it's too close to focus...huh???
Anyway, sorry for my rant, and I wish you lots of luck and fun with the new one! Hugs to you and your sweet guy!