Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Day in the Life

This is one of M's favorite spots to sit - by Mr. Moose, which he calls, Moo, Moo.

It sometimes works to block Maximus from getting to the fireplace. ("Sometimes" that is). Maximus has no trouble getting to it, but putting stuff in front of it helps to distract him somewhat. With the warm weather, the gas is turned off.

What a face! Today, he grabbed the remote that controls our air conditioner...(you can see part of the white remote sitting on the end table next to him). And, what does M do when he gets a hold of it? He finds the power button and turns it off! And then moments later, he turns it back on! HA!!!

Men must learn this fascination with remotes at an early age, because Maximus tries to take our TV remote all the time. So, about a month ago, Rob took out the batteries and gave M one of the remotes we don't use.

At one time, Maximus even had an old cell phone of ours, (again without the battery in it), but it's MIA! We have looked all over for it...not sure what he did with it!

He is generally a very happy boy with LOTS of energy...

He enjoys playing with his blocks and other toys...and loves to dump things out. This kid can make a mess in less than two shakes.

I love it when he comes and lies down next to me on the floor. He doesn't usually stay long, but I enjoy those moments.

Please be sure to stop back here on Thursday night. I am participating in Marcia's, "Snow in July" link party over at "The Shop Around the Corner."


Happy day!


Palomasea said...

What a sweet post, dear Heidi! He is just so adorable...I can't stand it! And I see why he loves Mr. Moose, all soft and fuzzy. They really do love the gadgets with buttons...
See you at the party! :)
And a big thanks for stopping by!
- Irina

Red Rose Alley said...

Heidi, these pictures of Maximus are precious. Is that legos that I see on the ground? My son used to love legos, and he also liked playing with the remote, how funny. Enjoy these years with your sweet son. They go by much too fast. That moose is something else. I can see why he likes to sit next to him. Be sure to stop by and say hello for the link party.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Shirley said...

Love all the pictures! Yes - boys and their remotes - ha! Hadden feels the need to have full control when Dad isn't around :) Maximus is growing up - what a little cutie!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Good evening Heidi,
You need to write a book about Maximus.. You could title it
A day in the life of Maximus.. Just as you have here.. I think it would be wonderful..
He is so adorable...
Enjoy your week

renae said...

Ya - I'm doing Marcia's party too. I have a great snow pic for it. I got a ton of nicest words from peeps on my post nice. Your words were soooooo sweeeet!!! :D

M is a doll!!! I love seeing him. Yes, the remote is a control freaks means of!

See ya, darlin!!!!

Georgianna said...

Wow, he is precious, Heidi! What a charmer. Congratulations to you all.

Martina said...

Ooooh, i so trasured the lying down moments too, when my boys were that age - too precious!

momto8blog said...

oh my gosh..he is just so cute!! how can you get anything done? don't you just want to play with him all day?!!!
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

Something Special said...

Oh dear, you have an adorable little boy. And I love his little winter hat.

Patty said...

This is what motherhood should be all about. What wonderful pictures of a beautiful little boy. I can't wait to be a grandma! Hopefully soon! I enjoyed your sweet post.