Friday, July 13, 2012


Thank you for all of your comments on my last post regarding the pictures I took with my new camera. Before I get into this post, I wanted to answer a few questions:

- It's a Canon PowerShot ELPH 100HS
- I used the "kids & pets" setting for most of the photos I took.
- I agree, some photos were slightly blurry, but so far, compared to my old camera, this one appears to work better.
Here are the specs via Canon's site. Most of this jargon doesn't make sense to me.
- I will need to read the manual in order to find the right setting for different shots.
- This camera claims to be good in low light. I'm hoping that's true!

Maximus & I did some running around today. It seems like we're always shopping - picking up this & that at the grocery store...going here & there for other things.

As I mentioned before, one place that he LOVES to go is Costco. We are there often. Right across the street from there is a Babies R Us. Whenever he sees the sign he'll point and say, "ah bee...ah bee...ah bee, bee, bee."

Today I got him a bucket, shovel and other toys for the beach. We plan to go and meet up with Rob's parents as well as his niece & husband in the near future. Fun, fun! I'm really excited, because he's never been there. Well, technically, he was there one time before, when I was pregnant with him. I guess that's not quite the same.

After we did some shopping this morning, we stopped by my parent's house, to visit with Maximus' cousin, who was there.

The two of them are really cute together, once they warm up to each other. Here are a few photos of them outside.

Maximus was sharing his "Joe's O's" (like Cheerios, but from Trader Joe's), with Isaiah. That's my sweet sister in law in the background.

Aren't they cute?

I hope they are buddies when they get older.

My little guy...

What do you have planned this weekend?
Anything fun?



Mimi said...

I think Mr. M and his cousin will be best of buddies...especially if they live close and see each other cute them sharing treats.....both are adorable little boys!!!!I say that is a Great camera...that is the one my sister will get use to all the functions soon...just keep shooting!!
Week-end plans.....I am going to 3 birthday parties with my daughter and grands...they are friends of her's and birthday's of their children...but since her friends are also MY friends...I have known them for along time!!!I am also going to squeeze in meeting a new blogger friend...well we have been blogging to each other for a year now...she lives over by one of the parties...and can you believe my daughter's friend's name is MYRA and my blogger friends name is Myra!!!!
And then SON is HOME for the weekend and we will celebrate his Birthday!!!Yeah for that!!!
So a very busy Saturday!!!
by the way...the coast of Oregon my fav Coast of all!!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OHMYGOODNESS these two cousins REALLY RESEMBLE EACH OTHER! I can see it in their eyes and lips!

Maximus is really looking great in his little man suit of sweats, a T shirt and cap. GOTTA LOVE 'EM!!!

Oh Heidi, your new camera will be great. All those settings are so intimidating at first. I got PHOTOSHOP for my birthday and it will take me months to learn how to use it! But one step at a time.

THANK YOU for visiting my Etsy shop! YES, I want to keep creating things that WILL get the attention of big names. I am being featured in a local magazine in August so that is a start. But I want to keep creating. I do have a guest coming on Monday so I will be absent. Then in early August, MY COUSIN is coming to visit with her daughter. I am looking forward to hooking up again with these dear souls in my life, but I will so miss creating on a daily basis but most of all, YOU ALL.

Enjoy the beach! I can just hear Maximum crying out, " BEBE BEBE BEBE!" What a prince he is.

LOVE! Anita

Anonymous said...

Adorable buddies. Enjoy snapping away with your new camera.

This weekend? More creativity, of course...drawing, cooking, maybe even some writing. Sigh...last is toughest because it involves listening, and listening involves being still. Sigh...note to self, must be still. ;)

Enjoy your weekend, love.

Martina said...

OMG, these two look like they hit it of already! And thy are both too cute for words. Maximus poch is priceless!
Thank you so much Heidi, for your prayer, i was so touched! We really need some heavenly assistance here, since we're teaming up with new people, and the process is tough. But on the design front i got a lot done already and just relax today. Weekend hugs!

Martina said...

OMG, these two look like they hit it of already! And thy are both too cute for words. Maximus poch is priceless!
Thank you so much Heidi, for your prayer, i was so touched! We really need some heavenly assistance here, since we're teaming up with new people, and the process is tough. But on the design front i got a lot done already and just relax today. Weekend hugs!

A Magical Whimsy said...

I'm sure Maximus and his cousin will be buddies when they grow up. They are both adorably cute!
Thank you for stopping by my blog for my participation in Anita's Paris Party.
I love Jesus too!
Teresa in California

Red Rose Alley said...

I just recently bought the Canon Power Shot too! I really like it, and the zoom-in lens is amazing. I think you will love taking pictures with it. Maximus and his cousin look like they are true buddies. Me and my sister used to hang out all the time when our kids were little, and to this day, the cousins are pretty close. Have fun this weekend taking pictures!
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Heidi,

Loved seeing the gorgeous photos of Maximus and his cousin and I am sure they will be the best of buddies.
The photos are really great - I have a Cannon which I love and have read from so many, that to read the manual is a good thing, to learn what you can do with it to get the best photos.

Have fun taking photos

Marianne said...

Great pics! And Costco is our FAVORITE Saturday "restuarant."


Farida said...

Thank you for sharing those adorable photos and I hope your son and his cousin forever develops a close bond.

I plan to go to the gym to sweat and permanently remove the hormones from my body. You take care and do give your baby a kiss from me! :D

Deborah said...

They both look like little angels!!
Love these shots of them Heidi!
And I'm so excited that you got a new camera! You won't be able to put your camera down! Such fun!
I really wish there had been digital cameras when my kids were growing up.
Love to you dear friend xo

Deborah xoxox